Unplug From The Holiday Stress Machine – Remove The Stress And Have A Happy Holiday Season

Just yesterday a manager of a large company wrote to tell me that between the stress of her job and the upcoming holiday season she was getting gray hair. It got me thinking about the stress so many business people experience this time of the year and how uncomfortable the vast majority of decision-making professionals feel from the start of the shopping experience to the last day of Christmas. Why do we put ourselves in that position and how can we make it okay to experience peace, health and fewer obligations?


If you’re one of those busy people who feel overwhelmed and tired during the holidays, then you definitely want to find a way to unplug. And if your emotional energy is weighing you down, than it’s really important to figure out a few ways to de-stress. But how? Trying to escape the stress by overeating, over-scheduling, over-indulging, over-giving and overspending, isn’t going to do it. However, if you’re ready to ditch the stress, eliminate the clutter and free your mind for a more joyful, happy holiday season, then I’m here to tell you how. It’s time to let go of the emotional and financial pressure and start experiencing exactly what the holiday is meant to be; joy, happiness and peace.


Start by making a decision today to commit to your own well being. Once you do that, believe it or not, stress starts to melt away. One of the best ways to eliminate stress is by doing away with bad eating habits. As strange as that might sound, the first and most important part of eliminating stress and doing away with emotional pressure is making sure you eat properly. Taking care of yourself by eating well, exercising and committing to your own well being are critical steps in staying sane. Instead of grabbing at the cookies and sweets that are lying around in the office, slice up some carrots or other raw veggies and keep them at your fingertips while sitting at your desk. Or cut up raw apples and have some sliced almonds nearby to nibble on when you feel hungry. Eating fruits, vegetable and nuts sustains your body’s natural energy, which translates to feeling a lot stronger and healthier. And just as important to your well-being is taking a few minutes out to exercise every day, even if it’s just 15 minutes a day. Make your body move and you’ll start to see the stress roll away. Remember, eating poorly and not exercising does more damage than you can imagine. Not only does it cause you to put on weight, but it also pulls on your energy level and leaves you feeling more tired and stressed than when you started. Eating well boosts your physical, emotional and mental health.


How in the world can you get rid of financial pressure at holiday time? Simplify and de-clutter by checking your holiday gift giving stress at the door. Instead of doing things that don’t feel good, give yourself permission to do what feels right. Begin by deciding on a budget for your holiday spending and choose to stick to it. No matter how many great presents you see or who you might have forgotten on your gift list, instead of putting yourself under financial pressure, just say no. Remember, whatever gift you buy for your loved ones or friends won’t even be remembered in a month. So, to eliminate the stress of gift buying, besides setting a budget, shop online in the evening when you’ve come home from work and are more relaxed. Keep a list nearby so you know what you want to buy and stay within your budget. Getting caught up in too much gift buying is unhealthy and it only adds to the financial pressure. A better choice is to give simple gifts that reflect your personal values. Take control of your spending rather than letting spending take control of you.


Holidays are supposed to be a time of joy, a time for gathering with friends and family, a time for reflection. Yet, too many people let stress take over. Rather than feeling totally overwhelmed with shopping, decorating, food preparation, etc., stop for a moment and listen to your inner voice. It doesn’t want to be under all this pressure; it wants to enjoy the holiday season. Absolutely refuse to put pressure on yourself in regard to how much money you spend, whether your house is perfectly decorated or whether you have tons of fabulous food prepared. Simply live up to your own values by stopping the chatter in your head and letting yourself relax. Be sure to listen to Successwaves CD’s and watch yourself unwind. These CDs are designed to help eliminate stress, control your weight, gain confidence and build on inner power. Make a pledge right now that you will eliminate the excesses of the season and start living a more authentic, joyful life. Rather than a season of stress, turn the holiday season into exactly what it should be, a time of cheer, peace and pleasure.

Source by Sue Stebbins

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